Current Projects

The Beaverton
Julie Nolke: Dying on the Outside
Marc-Anthony Sinagoga
Masque of the Red Death
Mitch Wood
Nagata Shachu
Native Earth Performing Arts
Neema Naz
RED presented by Riot King
Tom Hearn
Toronto Fringe
You’re My Hero on CBC Gem

Past Projects

6 Degrees Toronto
10 Years of The Disaster
Abbas Wahab
Abroad on OMNI TV
Alexandra Babiak
Amy Bugg
Andrew Ivimey
Andrew Packer
Anesti Danelis
Anthropic Traces
The Art Museum at the University of Toronto
Art of Time Ensemble
Avenue X Warren Steven Scott
Bad Dog Theatre Company
Benny the Bananasaurus Rex by Sarabeth Holden
Bestie Fest
Big City Improv Festival
Black Zeus
The Burlington Performing Arts Centre
Canadian Artists Network
Canadian Association of Stand-Up Comedians
Canadian Music Week
Cassie Cao
CBC’s Stories from the Land
CBC’s Telling Our Twisted Histories
Clara Venice
CMAOntario Festival and Awards
Come Here Often? By Shohana Sharmin
Comedy Here Often?
Comedy Records
Craig Fay
Crow’s Theatre
Dance Collection Danse Hall of Fame
Dave Merheje
Dead Parents Society
The Department of Illumination
Dis/Play as part of ArtWorxTO
D.J. Demers
Driftwood Theatre
Eclipse Theatre Company
EH Comedy Tour
Empire Comedy Live
Everbloom Music Festival
Faris Hytiaa
Firecracker Department
Five in Focus: Indigenous for Women in View
The Foundation for Canadian Comedy (CANCOM)
FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting
Grand Chief Salamoo Cook is Coming to Town by Tomson Highway
The Haters Tour at Hamilton Fringe
Hisham Kelati
The Hogtown Experience
The Holy Gasp
How To Lose Everything on CBC Gem
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival
Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival
Indigenous Fashion Week Toronto
Infield Fly Productions
Isabel Zaw-Tun
Jacob Balshin
Jesse Singh
Joel Edmiston
Johanna Metcalf Performing Arts Prizes
Jordan Armstrong
Jumblies Theatre
JNT Comedy Tour
Krampus Ball
Laura Ramoso
Lua Shayenne Dance Company
Luminato Festival Toronto: Virtual 2020
Macaw Studios
Magenta Foundation
Mi’kma’ki on CBC Gem
Miles Nadal JCC
MILK Educational Program
Moe Ismail
Modern Times Stage Company
Moonhorse Dance Theatre
Music Canada Cares
Nagata Shachu
Native Earth Performing Arts
Neema Naz
Nothing Fancy Comedy Club
Ola Dada
One In Six Podcast
Rachelle Lauzon
Red Tape Brewery
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Halloween Ball
Ron Josol
Ross Petty’s Alice in Winterland
Ross Petty’s Peter’s Final Flight
Ruth B
Second Jen season 3
Sketch to the Death
Songbuster – An Improvised Musical
Springtide Music Festival
Super Important Filipina Thoughts by Alia Ceniza Rasul
Sura Mallouh
Sweet Action Theatre
Tap Love Tour
Teatron Toronto Jewish Theatre
They’re Going Places Comedy Tour
Through the Bamboo
Tita Collective
Tkaronto Music Festival
Tom Hearn
Toronto Burlesque Festival
Toronto Dance Theatre
Toronto Fringe Festival
Toronto International Storytelling Festival
Toronto International Tap Dance Festival
Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival
Unity Charity
Unknown Comedy Club
Vivek Srikanthan
Vong Show
Cedar in Sec-he Sky by Warren Steven Scott
Weengushk International Film Festival
Why Not Theatre’s RISER Project
YENSA Festival
Yonge-Dundas Square
Young Voices Toronto